Over the 20 years that I have been doing this work, I have been asked many, many times to communicate with an animal that has passed. Although this is a sad time, it always eases the mind of the owner knowing that their beloved animal is still there and well. Lots of people think I am crazy – talking to dead animals, but my experience over the years, and a scientific basis for this, has helped me to continue doing the work. Here are my beliefs.

Everything in this Universe is energy –everything! There is nothing that is not energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. As well, most if not all societies and religions believe that we are both spirit (energy) and matter. So what happens to the energy when we die? It gets transformed into another state of being. Animal communicators use energy and altered states of being to communicate with animals that have passed.

So when we go to communicate with a deceased animal, we are communicating with its energy wherever that may be. The majority of times I have communicated with animals which have passed, they have immediately come to me, appearing immensely happy, healthy and well – free of discomfort and disease, and normally they have a message for their owners, which is comforting and reassuring, and validates something for the owner. Let me give you one example.

I had a friend who was very skeptical regarding the practice of animal communication, and especially communicating with animals that have passed. He lost a beloved horse, and suffered greatly from the loss. On repeated occasions I offered to communicate with his mare, but he was not interested. Finally he was suffering so much that he asked me to do so.

When I contacted his mare she “showed up” wearing a beautiful headstall with horsehair trim, and told me that was her favorite thing. She gave me many messages for him, which I was happy to convey. When I gave him the messages he listened carefully, but when I told him about the headstall and described it in detail, he burst into tears and said that he had made that headstall especially for her and it fit the exact description of what I had shared. From that point on he was a believer.

I have lost many animals in my life, because I have been lucky enough to have had many wonderful animals as companions. And sadly, their time here is limited, as is ours. Unfortunately for me, and many other animal communicators I know, it is very difficult to talk to your own animals sometimes after they pass. So I have a wonderful friend who helps me out when I need it, and I help her.

I just wanted to share how valuable it can be to be reassured that even though your beloved animal may no longer be in its familiar form, you can still communicate with them. And, as a bonus it’s important to know that their spirit is always with you.