Dis-ease is a pattern made up of many complex factors – emotional, environmental, nutritional, physical traumas, belief systems and inheritances from ancestors, and even cultural influences. Certainly we know that thoughts and emotions cause stress, which may cause a breakdown in body systems. To truly heal from dis-ease many of these factors, if not all, must be addressed in some way.
Some of the latest research shows that emotional factors may make up 85% of the causes for dis-ease. Why is this? The simple theory that I subscribe to is that emotions are vibrations. The vibration can be positive and energizing or comforting to the body, or negative which can be stressful or damaging.
When we experience strong emotions and these are not fully discharged from the body after a trauma or stressful occurrence, these vibrations are chemically stored in the body (see Candace Pert’s work) and can become destructive to cells and tissues. This is what we call “Active Memory”. The episode may have passed, but the vibration of the trauma or the emotions is lodged in the body. Over time these may cause dysfunction or disease. But how do we disperse these emotions without causing further stress by re-activating them?
Getting in touch with these emotions and beliefs is often very difficult because we fear them, or because they exist in the subconscious and are difficult to access. Articles on this topic by researchers tell us that we only use about 10% (more or less) of our conscious brains to manage our lives and the rest is at the subconscious level.
So how do we get in touch with this subconscious to improve our lives? Hypnosis is a well-known method for bypassing the subconscious and can be directed to effectively resolving certain emotional traumas or relieving stress. EFT or the Emotional Freedom Technique can also be extremely effective at quickly reducing emotional stress. The Emotion Code and Body Code are very effective ways of releasing these vibrations without activating them.
So what happens when we release the active memory? The memory associated with the trauma or incident simply becomes information – like an address or phone number. You can remember the incident, but no emotion is experienced. This is a wonderful way of releasing trapped emotions, and the Emotion Code can actually release hereditary memories as well. More about that in a later blog.